A few words

About Us


We are made to explore.

Comprehending and applying interbeing perspectives into social and cultural change is basilar for this transition moment.​

This is an exploratory space for social design practices that connect theories and experimentation with new perspectives of regenerative approaches. It serves as a repository of findings and questions during these years of research in the fields of social design, social innovation, regenerative cultures and collaborative approaches.

the most interesting contributions design can make to current challenges, that is by participating to reshaping big issues like the transformation of transport systems, sustainability, governments, finance, communication, healthcare, and so on (Mortati & Villari, 2014, p.80).”

This Lab raises awareness around other design’s proficiencies to expand knowledge about design as a mechanism and method to answers social and environmental questions. It is also an opportunity to shine a light on new approaches and bring personal perspectives to relevant issues.

It is a place for diversity of thinking, knowledge and visions, where sociology, philosophy, anthropology and design can construct improbable intersections. Thus, don’t be surprised if some non-correlated themes appear together as an intent to provoke new questioning.

Come with us in this journey

Experimentation allows the imagination to transform reality. To start the social change, one must enable himself to think beyond the borders.

About me

This project was created by Raquel Lima, a PhD Candidate in Design at the Fine Arts School at the University of Barcelona. She holds a masters degree in Design Management and, the main themes she has been working on are: Collaborative practices, System Thinking, Regenerative Cultures, Design Thinking, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI). Her purpose is to contribute with projects that allow collective intelligence, creativity and innovation to generate effective transformation.